The Future of Responsive Web Design


Responsive design means how the layout changes form devices to devices. For instance, the design of a website different in a phone than that of a desktop. How the screen rotates when we hold the phone vertically or horizontally. Another example is how a web page reacts when it is touched in a phone and clicked with a mouse in a PC. These are part of responsive design. However, every website development company is trying their best to add new things on responsive design. They are working on how to enhance user experience through responsive design.


Responsive designs on various devices:

Device positioning is an additional device that we can use to enhance and improve user experience. We have to make sure that our app is responsive to all type of screen sizes while deigning the UI. Based on viewport height and viewport width on the websites, we can design the wider and shorter UI of rotated devices. We can also use CSS to detect orientation:

CSS can help us to style things in different ways based on alignment. For instance, an educational app can show more information horizontally than vertically.

Dark or light mode:

Dark mode is now much popular among apps, websites and software. It is totally a user preference option. UI/UX plays the major part here. Any website/app development company must focus on the UI/UX part for such features. Suppose, how the interface will look like, what will be the font colors and size etc. when it is in dark mode. This will make the app or website more responsive.

Automatic night appearance:

Responsive designs also focus on users’ comfort. Many of us work for a long time in front of computer/ mobile screens. Our eyes receive a lot of pressure due to this. So, to solve this issue their must be night mode or relaxing tone on UI. The clients will be more comfortable and the harm on eyes may be reduced by this.

Are you looking for such a web/app/ software development company which follows such steps on their UI/UX and responsive designs?

R-O-O is such a web/app/software development firm in Berlin which has a separate qualified team of UI/UX which makes designs based on projects. They collaborate with the developers’ team. They discuss about how, what and for whom the app/website/software is to be made. Finally, they make responsive designs based on the users’ category and the type of website/apps/software.  

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